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KEYWORD "recession" - 86 RESULTS
Investor Opportunities - housing remains over-valued says Zoopla

Property portal Zoopla says it has developed a long-run model showing whether UK house prices are too expensive or fairly valued. It...

04 July 2024

From: Breaking News

Interest rates to hit 3% in 2025 predicts leading economic consultancy

Although economic activity has picked up since the start of the year, the outlook remains weak by historical standards according to...

05 April 2024

From: Breaking News

Capital Appreciation - look to long-term trends, not short-term

Property investors should not look to closely at current market mayhem and instead rely on long-term trends for capital appreciation. That’s the...

03 October 2023

From: Breaking News

Does a Waterside Home flow into a Sound Investment?

According to estate agent Jackson-Stops’ annual Waterside Review, the average price paid for homes in waterside postcodes have risen by 23...

06 July 2023

From: Breaking News

Post COVID-19 investment boom in Marbella property

Since the start of the pandemic, there has been a noticeable shift in the real estate market with 4,628 sales in...

02 February 2023

From: Breaking News

2023 Property Market Insights From an Industry Expert!

It’s reasonable to say that the 2022 property market was unpredictable and a whirlwind (although we did make some good predictions!)....

23 December 2022

From: Breaking News

Invested in a holiday let? Here’s how to navigate the cost of living crisis

In this guest piece, Mark Simpson from Boostly looks at how holiday let owners can navigate the cost-of-living crisis and keep...

16 November 2022

From: Breaking News

Opinion: Europe’s golden visa schemes still popular despite restrictions  

When we read about financial headwinds, soaring inflation due to energy price rises and a looming recession on the horizon, it’s...

02 November 2022

From: Breaking News

Analysing your property portfolio this autumn

The UK’s buy-to-let market has changed beyond recognition over the last few years and with a recession on the horizon, landlords...

29 September 2022

From: Sponsored Content

New-build values soar above pre-recession levels, study shows

Two areas in the UK are still feeling the impact of the 2008 recession despite strong growth in new-build property values,...

23 March 2022

From: Breaking News

Will 2022 be the time to invest in property?

Another new year is approaching, but unlike the last, 2022 should arrive with significantly less uncertainty, especially for the property market....

22 October 2021

From: Breaking News

Opinion - Is Generation Rent Here to Stay?

The term ‘Generation Rent’ has long been used throughout both the rental and sales markets, developing many connotations over the years....

03 September 2021

From: Breaking News

Construction roundup – building our way out of the pandemic

A Derby construction boss has released a report which describes how the UK could build its way out of a looming...

19 April 2021

From: Breaking News

Investors - three ways to diversify your portfolio in 2021

In this guest piece, property development and investment company SevenCapital outline three ways investors can diversify their portfolio.  After the turbulence of...

19 March 2021

From: Breaking News

Revealed – How has Covid affected global housing market trends?

Few places remain unaffected by the Covid-19 pandemic, with cases fluctuating across the nation, but still high overall. Domestically, as far...

03 February 2021

From: Breaking News

What does 2021 have in store for the property market?

2020 was a challenging year for many industries across the world, and especially those in the UK. Amongst national lockdowns, stringent...

20 January 2021

From: Property Investment & Strategy

Revealed - what will affect house buyers and housebuilders in 2021?

In this guest piece, Andrea Fawell, sales & marketing director of award-winning property developers Kebbell, tackles many of the important factors...

08 January 2021

From: Breaking News

UK the top hotspot for overseas resi investment post-Brexit, says research

The UK has ranked highest for future residential real estate investment, in a survey of 500 investors, developers and asset managers...

14 December 2020

From: Breaking News

Insight: how will Brexit affect the UK property market?

As the clock ticks ever closer to the end of the transition period, and the start of post-Brexit Britain from January,...

04 December 2020

From: Breaking News

Why international investors are looking at UK’s tier 2 cities for returns

The UK's second tier cities are very often more appealing to international investors in terms of guranteed rental returns - as...

30 November 2020

From: Breaking News

Are we approaching the end of the road for HMOs?

You may have heard people say that as the coronavirus continues and a possible recession approaches, this spells the end of the...

27 November 2020

From: Breaking News

Investors scramble for property in the face of recession – study

The majority of UK investors are worried the government’s handling of Covid-19 and Brexit will have a negative impact on the...

23 November 2020

From: Breaking News

Looking to scale your portfolio? Here’s some top tips for seasoned investors

Sometimes even seasoned investors will need guidance, help and assistance, particularly during times of crisis and uncertainty. With the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic,...

23 November 2020

From: Breaking News

Hong Kong and Chinese investors still buying - how to engage with them

Sally Maier-Yip, managing director of 11K Consulting, the UK's leading China PR and comms agency, outlines why buyers from Hong Kong and...

13 November 2020

From: Breaking News

Advice for BTL landlords: How to operate successfully during a recession

The coronavirus crisis has hit the UK's economic outlook, and many buy-to-let landlords are understandably worried about their post-lockdown rental property...

30 October 2020

From: Conveyancing, Mortgages, Tax & Finance

Green homes - want to save the planet & improve your house using free money?

I have been a developer and landlord for over 25 years and, for my sins, ended up owning an estates and...

14 October 2020

From: Breaking News

10 reasons to invest in UK property now despite the recession

Since the UK began to emerge from lockdown, the property market has reacted positively, with recent reports confirming a ‘mini boom’...

04 September 2020

From: Breaking News

European property and Brexit: does it pay to invest now?

With the UK’s official departure from the European Union due to take place on December 31, Chris Nye, editor at Property...

26 August 2020

From: Breaking News

Inside the mind of a Chinese investor – what are they searching for?

Despite the current thawing of relations between Westminster and Beijing, caused by controversial new laws in Hong Kong (a former British colony)...

24 July 2020

From: Breaking News

Spain overview – holiday home destinations remain resolute

House prices in Spain will close 2020 with little variation over the previous year, according to a recent market analysis of...

10 July 2020

From: Breaking News

Ben Hall, Managing Director of LOFT

Who are you? My name is Benjamin Hall and I’m the Founder and Managing Director of LOFT. What services does LOFT provide? LOFT delivers...

26 June 2020

From: 60 Second Interview

Revealed - how will the construction industry recover from the current crisis?

The coronavirus pandemic has affected all parts of the property investment market in recent months, but it has brought particular uncertainty...

24 June 2020

From: Breaking News

Investment after lockdown - are investors seeking new BTLs?

The property market in England is beginning to reopen, with the government green-lighting its restart on May 13, but are investors...

15 June 2020

From: Breaking News

Should you wait to buy your first investment property?

It’s a question many would-be investors will have been asking themselves, with so much remaining up-in-the-air and uncertain at present. But...

12 June 2020

From: Breaking News

Being prepared to pick up distressed real estate

Babrul Matin is the co-founder of the Islamic Investor, a specialist investment company which co-invests alongside real estate experts in the...

01 June 2020

From: Breaking News

Revealed: why Brits should look into property overseas now

Emigrating abroad has always been a popular choice for Brits wanting to relocate to sunnier climes for a better quality of...

29 May 2020

From: Breaking News

Professional property buying in a post-Covid-19 climate – how should you do it?

With lockdown measures starting to be eased, and the possible move to step 2 of the three-step plan from June 1,...

27 May 2020

From: Breaking News

The world has changed – what next for Build to Rent?

Covid-19 is a generational event that will impact the way people live, work and behave long after the pandemic has been...

22 May 2020

From: Breaking News

Q&A - how has the prime property market coped with lockdown?

While England slowly starts to emerge from lockdown under the UK government’s three-point plan (the devolved administrations are taking a slightly...

18 May 2020

From: Breaking News

Financial lifeline offered to Brits worried about Spanish property purchases

Spanish mortgage specialists Fluent Finance Abroad have offered reassurance to British buyers that there is no need to give up on...

29 April 2020

From: Breaking News

Why are HNWIs from developing markets investing in European assets?

The knock-on effects of the coronavirus – widespread panic, quarantine, falling oil prices, and weakening oil-dependent currencies like the Russian ruble – are...

27 April 2020

From: Breaking News

Coronavirus impact – is it changing the makeup of overseas investors in the UK?

The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has had a dramatic impact on all of our lives, including those who operate in the property...

24 April 2020

From: Breaking News

Economic growth the top priority for UK real estate sector in 2020

Achieving economic growth was revealed to be the most widely shared ambition for 2020 among residential and commercial property developers, investors...

03 January 2020

From: Breaking News

Why is the UK holiday property sector attracting huge investment interest?

The UK holiday property sector is a growth industry which is attracting huge interest from property investors, says Iain Brown of...

25 November 2019

From: Breaking News

How can investors capitalise on mixed-use urban environments?

With towns and cities across the UK and the world largely becoming dense, mixed-use urban environments, how can investors take advantage...

27 September 2019

From: Breaking News

How can you Brexit-proof your property investment?

With the current chaos swirling around Westminster – from the prorogation by Boris Johnson to this week’s Supreme Court ruling that...

27 September 2019

From: Breaking News

A property market bouncing back – the rising investment appeal of Greece

Greece’s appeal as a property investment destination is increasing once again as the country continues to bounce back from severe economic...

31 July 2019

From: Breaking News

How badly has Brexit and the recession affected Prime Central London?

The owners of some of London's most affluent homes have faced a number of challenges since the market crashed in 2007,...

10 October 2018

From: Breaking News

Five expert predictions – what is the outlook for investors?

Fresh from his keynote speech at the Landlord Investment Show last month, property expert Kam Dovedi shares his five property predictions with...

11 April 2018

From: Breaking News

London prices drop as Midlands market continues to gain momentum

The London property market continues to struggle as the number of properties on the market increases while prices deflate, according to...

14 February 2018

From: Breaking News

Spanish property sales up 19% in June

There has been a sharp increase in the number of home sales in Spain, according to the latest figures from the...

01 September 2017

From: Breaking News

Property hotspot: Manchester is still ‘head and shoulders’ above the rest

The property market in northern England, supported in part by the Northern Powerhouse concept, has attracted a lot of media attention,...

26 June 2017

From: Breaking News

How much have home prices increased by since end of The Great Recession in 2009?

Eight years of quantitative easing (QE) and record low interest rates is estimated to have cost savers more than £160bn, but...

21 June 2017

From: Breaking News

More new homes would provide Scotland with ‘economic and social rewards’

Increasing the supply of new homes north of the border would stimulate ‘economic growth’ in Scotland, not to mention provide more...

08 June 2017

From: Breaking News

Top ways to reduce stamp duty on prime property

Sales of homes at the top end of the housing market have collapsed over the past 12 months or so, especially...

18 May 2017

From: Breaking News

Scotland has a ‘mountain’ to climb to solve its housing crisis

Housebuilders may never meet the demand for housing north of the border due to the various challenges that they face when...

15 May 2017

From: Breaking News

Most U.S. homes are worth less than before the real estate crash of 2007

Despite the recovery in housing markets across some part of the U.S. in recent years, most notably in large metropolitan areas,...

12 May 2017

From: Breaking News

Mario Carrozzo CEO of Caridon Group

Q: About the Caridon Group?  Caridon Group provides exceptional, end-to-end residential property solutions throughout the UK, from property development and management to...

11 May 2017

From: 60 Second Interview

Rise in cash buyers due to ‘over-zealous’ lending rules

There was a sharp rise in the number of home buyers using cash to buy property last year, with mortgage lending...

10 May 2017

From: Breaking News

Number of mortgage products hits post-recession high

The total number of mortgage products on the market has reached its highest level since the recession in 2008 as competition...

10 May 2017

From: Breaking News

An oldie but a goodie – reversionary ground rents in 2017

From the vantage point of the rostrum, in unprecedented economic times with historically low interest rates and persistently low inflation, the...

29 March 2017

From: Breaking News

Demand from property investors sees bridging loans surge

Demand for short term loans continued to surge in the final quarter of last year, as an increasing number of property...

21 February 2017

From: Breaking News

Sellers overvalue their properties by 6.8%

Homeowners in England and Wales over estimated the value of their property by an average 6.8% in 2016, according to research...

09 February 2017

From: Breaking News

Planning system continues to slow housing delivery

With the number of new homes being built across the UK still significantly below the level needed to meet demand, housebuilders...

21 December 2016

From: Breaking News

Major shortage threatens to push up prices in Leeds City Region

A severe undersupply of residential development sites and office space created by strong economic growth in Leeds City Region, which includes...

14 November 2016

From: Breaking News

UK housing market sees a ‘reverse ripple’

Historically, UK property prices have demonstrated a distinct spatial pattern over time, rising initially in a cyclical upswing in prime central...

31 October 2016

From: Breaking News

Raise stamp duty threshold to boost property investment

The chancellor Phillip Hammond should use his upcoming Autumn Statement to raise the Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) threshold to £250,000...

31 October 2016

From: Breaking News

South Africa's housing market remains weak

South Africa's price index for medium-sized apartments fell by 0.32% during the year to Q2 2016, its fourth quarter of annual...

07 October 2016

From: Breaking News

Book your free ticket for the Property Investor & Homebuyer Show

The Property Investor & Homebuyer Show, the UK’s most comprehensive property exhibition, gets underway tomorrow at London ExCeL and is free to enter. However, all...

06 October 2016

From: Breaking News

Brazil’s property market continues to deteriorate

Brazil's housing market remains depressed, amidst the ongoing economic crisis and an uncertain political landscape, according to the latest market analysis...

05 October 2016

From: Breaking News

New deal to provide property investors with auction and bridging finance

Specialist lender Together has joined forces with buy-to-let and commercial mortgage broker TBMC to provide property investors with auction and bridging...

20 September 2016

From: Breaking News

Bank of England leaves interest rates unchanged, but could cut in November

The Bank of England, as expected, opted to leave UK interest rates unchanged at 0.25% yesterday in the wake of recent...

16 September 2016

From: Breaking News

UK property market looks ripe for investment

They say no man is an island, however the UK is – and there is only so much land available, says...

08 September 2016

From: Breaking News

Greek property prices fall at slower pace

Residential property prices in Greece fell at a slower pace in the second quarter of the year compared with the previous...

30 August 2016

From: Breaking News

Significant increase in mortgage enquiries following interest rate cut

The volume of mortgage enquiries received by deVere Mortgages has surged by 55% week on week since the Bank of England...

25 August 2016

From: Breaking News

Lewis Hamilton’s win in Hungary sparks worldwide tour

Following Lewis Hamilton’s comfortable victory at the Hungarian Grand Prix on Sunday, we delve into the fast lane to take you...

25 July 2016

From: Breaking News

Scottish property market ‘remains buoyant’

Scottish house prices rose in May despite reports of a slowing economy north of the border, according to a new report. The...

21 July 2016

From: Breaking News

Scottish prices set to fall in short term - but analysts predict long-term gains

Residential property prices in Scotland look set to fall in the coming months amid an economic slowdown, but the longer term...

20 July 2016

From: Breaking News

Recession looms for Brexit Britain

Britain is on the verge of recession following the UK’s decision to exit the European Union last month, according to the...

15 July 2016

From: Breaking News

Sharp fall in consumer confidence post-Brexit

Consumer confidence in the UK economy has nosedived at the fastest rate in 22 years post-Brexit, according to a new survey...

11 July 2016

From: Breaking News

House prices could fall following Brexit vote

Global markets have plunged, David Cameron has announced that he is to step down as Prime Minister later this year and...

24 June 2016

From: Breaking News

Edinburgh is top city for commercial property investment outside London

Edinburgh has been named as the most attractive location for commercial property investment in the UK outside London, according to a...

16 June 2016

From: Breaking News

Stamp duty surcharge is no April fools, it’s an assault on entrepreneurial Britain

Never one to miss an opportunity, George Osborne knew he was onto a winner when he chose to raise stamp duty...

26 February 2016

From: Breaking News

Households confident house prices will keep on rising

The vast majority of UK households believe house prices in their area will rise in the next six months, according to...

27 October 2015

From: Breaking News

Data reveals cities with the most incoming tenants

Wakefield, Coventry, Brighton, Nottingham and Greater London top the list of hotspots where tenants new to the area account for the...

21 July 2015

From: Breaking News

Mortgage products available on the market achieves post-recession high

The number of mortgage products available reached a post-recession high in April, according to research by the National Mortgage Index from...

27 May 2015

From: Breaking News

MovePal MovePal MovePal