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House prices in England and Wales rise at their fastest pace for 12 months

The average price of a home in England and Wales increased by almost £1,900 in February compared with the previous month, according to Your Moves’ latest house price index.

The average price of a residential property increased from £295,937 in January to £297,832 last month, led by gains in the East of England, where prices rose by an average of 5.9% year-on-year, while new peak prices were achieved in Merseyside and Birmingham.

Nationally, annual house price inflation fell for the 12th consecutive month, dropping to 2.4%, the lowest annual rate since 2013.


Estimated transactions in England and Wales also dropped last month, by around 0.4%, to 62,000, compared with January, but year-to-date remains higher than in 2015 and 2013.

Oliver Blake, managing director of Your Move and Reeds Rains, said: “It’s an encouraging start to 2017. We’ve seen the strongest house price growth in a year, the emergence of the promised Northern Powerhouse and the first tentative signs of a recovery in our highest priced properties in London.

“The good news too is that the number of first time buyers grew last year and house building was up – although home ownership is now at its lowest level in over three decades.”

  • Daniel Latto

    I always find it funny how they say this

    "Nationally, annual house price inflation fell for the 12th consecutive month, dropping to 2.4%, the lowest annual rate since 2013"

    And it makes it sound like prices are dropping.

    But they're not - just growth has slowed down - but they're still going up.

    I saw a BBC news video about how inflation had slowed down - so they asked shoppers if their baskets were cheaper.

    The BBC didn't even understand it themselves. What hope have other people got.


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