Gain a competitive advantage with remote client onboarding

In a digital world, now more than ever, your clients expect to be able to sign up instantly, anywhere at any time.

Changing times have reduced our face to face contact with customers. Asking your customer to come into a branch to verify their identity is a massive barrier to onboarding and growing your business.

At NorthRow we work with the UK’s largest property firms to digitally transform their client onboarding processes, improving operational efficiency and customer experience, whilst delivering regulatory compliance.

With our RemoteVerify solution, your clients can sign up and be verified in minutes, at their own convenience, using a smartphone, tablet or home laptop.

RemoteVerify performs identity, document and addresses verification, along with a liveness check to reduce your risk of fraud, for fast and compliant onboarding.

We remove the need for your client to physically be present at your branch or office,time-bound to an appointment, freeing up your sales and compliance resources.

For more information about how we can help your property firm in these trying times, email [email protected] or book a call.

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