Recruitment & Training

Recruitment & Training

Birmingham has joined Manchester and Liverpool as one of the top Northern property investment hotspots, according to fresh research from IP Global. ...
What does it say on your business card? ...
With housing high on the political agenda ahead of tomorrow’s general election, all the major parties have pledged to tackle the UK’s housing crisis by promising to build significantly more homes every year to help alleviate pressures on housing stock. ...
With just hours to go until voting for the London mayoral election closes, housing remains a key issue with all the leading candidates for mayor of London having placed it at the heart of their campaigns. ...
There has been a sharp rise in the number of mega-basement planning applications across many parts of the capital as wealthy Londoners look at innovative ways of adding sizeable value to their homes, new figures show. ...
Open equity property investment platform Cogress has announced the appointment of well-known business magnate David Bernstein CBE to its advisory board. ...
The latest report by Nationwide has shown that the average price of property in the UK has now risen to £196,999, an increase of 4.5% year on year. This comes after a particularly strong market showing in December. ...
Spain’s draconian new tax is already spooking British investors...
The Budget has forced a revision of forecasts for the...
Prices and sales volumes will grow in 2025 despite the...
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There are some locations offering incentives to British investor buyers...
The market is strong ahead of the April stamp duty...