Nobody wants to have to end a tenancy with deductions from a tenancy deposit! Here we share our expert tips for landlords to pass on to their tenants on how to avoid unnecessary deposit deductions. ...
Newable Finance, the finance brokerage & advisory arm of Newable, launches video advert campaign ahead of the new EPC legislations for landlords. ...
For many years, Manchester has been the number one location for buy-to-let investors in the UK. A young, professional population, strong lettings and jobs markets and low prices in comparison to London and the Southwest; has meant that property investors ...
Many landlords and property investors will have watched the Chancellor’s budget with a feeling of trepidation. There had been hints of enormous tax rises targeting the property market prior to the 3rd of March but in the end, he resisted ...
The last year has been one which has focused attention on dealing with the immediate, the here and now, in a bid to get through these difficult months. For many landlords and property investors this may have been a period ...
The UK property market is in a state of flux. Whilst the COVID-19 pandemic has had a marked effect on landlords, it doesn’t seem to have stemmed interest from buyers of new properties and prices have been climbing steadily even ...
In March 2020, the Home Office made a number of changes to the Right to Rent scheme to make it easier for landlords and agents to carry out checks. ...
Landlords and property investors with leasehold property within their portfolio, as well as their advisors, will be aware of the difficulty and delay a short lease (90 years or less) can cause when it comes to selling a property. ...
Despite another national lockdown seemingly on the horizon, the property market remains resilient, with the stamp duty holiday and other initiatives encouraging people to move before the Christmas period. ...
Although the last six months have undoubtedly been difficult for many property investors and landlords for others this has been a period of opportunity. Capital growth for investors has been increasing as the property market experiences a boom following the ...
With activity in the market continuing to rise and the number new tenancies back to pre-pandemic levels, landlords are enjoying strong demand from tenants. ...
There has never been a harder time to be a landlord in the UK. The pressures that the last six months have incurred on many individuals in the private rented sector are beyond what anyone could have predicted or needed. ...
As a landlord, it’s vital to conduct periodic inspections throughout each tenancy to ensure that the condition of your rental property is up to standard and your tenants are complying with the tenancy agreement. ...
In recent years, there has been considerable controversy over the use of ‘no DSS’ in homes being listed for let, with a number of high-profile cases of people winning out-of-court settlements from letting agents or landlords on the grounds of ...
Earlier this month, the government confirmed that its ban on evictions due to the coronavirus pandemic is to be extended for another two months. ...
Equity and Capital operate as a Private Multi Family and Institution office in the UK real estate sector specialising in Build to Rent where they have executed on Behalf of institutions over £100m of transactions across the UK. ...
As we keep being regularly told at the moment, we are living through unprecedented times, with the greatest restrictions on our civil liberties in peacetime as the country battles the coronavirus pandemic. ...
Whether you’re a first-time landlord or a seasoned one looking to build your portfolio, you will need to consider how you can improve its value to attract as many prospective tenants to your properties as possible. ...
With the private rented sector continuing to expand, landlords must work hard to get ahead of the competition and attract suitable tenants to their rental property. ...
Spain’s draconian new tax is already spooking British investors...
The Budget has forced a revision of forecasts for the...
Prices and sales volumes will grow in 2025 despite the...
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