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KEYWORD "international interest" - 4 RESULTS
Capital appreciation in this UK city “inevitable” says property chief

Edinburgh’s house price growth is inevitable due to its unique circumstances according to a leading property firm.  DJ Alexander Ltd, which is...

01 August 2024

From: Breaking News

Dubai - a surge of demand presents investors with opportunities

In August, Dubai's real estate market experienced a remarkable surge, presenting an exciting opportunity for investors like myself. Sales soared by...

12 October 2023

From: Breaking News

Post-Brexit UK-China property investment outlook – what should you know? 

A new thought leadership paper has looked at where, what and why Chinese high-net-worth-individuals (HWNIs) and investors are buying and developing in...

22 March 2021

From: Breaking News

Montenegro’s property market booms as a result of NATO membership

International interest in Montenegro property has doubled in the year since the country joined NATO, according to IM Property Group. On 5...

22 June 2018

From: Breaking News

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