Research from over-50s property firm Regency Living reveals demand from downsizers for one popular property type has fallen by nearly 21% in the past year.
However, 2025 is set to bring a boost , particularly in the South West, as more units make it to market.
The data reveals that in Q4 2024, there were an estimated total of 5,455 park homes available across the market in England. This marks a decline of -2.2% since the start of the year (Q1 2024).
On a regional level, six of England’s nine regions have seen availability decline in the past year with the largest drop reported in the North East where stock is down -20.9%.
But even the nation’s most popular park home areas have seen availability decrease, including a -2.8% drop in the South East and a -0.7% drop in the South West.
A spokesperson for Regency says: “Park homes are becoming increasingly popular for a number of reasons. These include the fact that there is no stamp duty to pay on a park home which, given the stamp duty increase that is to be implemented from April, buyers can save a significant amount of money compared to buying a bricks and mortar home.
“There’s also the fact that park home demand is driven largely by downsizers, their relative affordability means they can be purchased without reliance on a mortgage, a draw which has grown in significance as mortgage rates have climbed.
“Other benefits include radically lower energy bills than you get with a traditional home, and a myriad of lifestyle benefits such as safety, security, and a ready made community, all of which are hugely important to the nation’s downsizers.
“But this high demand means that the availability of park homes has fallen which means some downsizers might struggle to secure a plot. The good news, however, is that 2025 is due to see stock levels increase thanks to new park home sites launching across the country.”