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Graham Awards


Tech platform seeking incorporated investor clients

Tech platform GetGround - which previously had a customer base of buy to let individuals who chose to incorporate - is now seeking to recruit landlords who have already incorporated.

Since launching in early 2020, GetGround claims to have helped more than 27,000 property investors and landlords based in 114 countries globally to create, structure and maintain their UK buy to let companies. Today, companies on GetGround hold more than £1.5 billion of UK investment property - a figure that has grown seven-fold in the last three years. 

GetGround’s decision to welcome all investors with existing companies onto the platform comes at a time when - it says - the market for limited company investments continues to boom. In 2023, the number of new buy to let incorporations increased by 27% year-on-year and the incorporated buy to let market is now 2.5 times larger than it was in 2016. 


GetGround was launched at a time when only 15% of buy to let properties were bought through companies. Today, GetGround says it commands a 10% market share of all UK residential property investment companies and estimates that this proportion could increase by at least 100% in the next three years. 

Existing investors who transfer their companies to GetGround may do so without incurring any transfer costs. 

Having transferred their companies customers pay £29 a month (£348 per year) to receive tax and accounting services managed by an account manager. GetGround claims that all tax and accounting are administered over the platform.

Chief executive Moubin Faizullah Khan says: “We are only just beginning to see the impact GetGround stands to have on the continued adoption of limited company investing as a way to bring greater transparency and cost efficiency to the UK buy-to-let market. We look forward to bringing our technology to more investors and landlords than ever, helping them benefit and stay committed to this rewarding asset class.

“At a time when margins on buy-to-let investing remain tight, managing your costs wisely is an imperative for all property investors. Too many investors pay above the odds for tax and accounting support that switches off for eleven months of the year after accounts have been filed. With GetGround, our help is available year-round at a competitive cost. 

GetGround says it combines industry data and specialist expertise to help customers find the right investment opportunities, and helps investors from over 180 countries access finance from a panel of buy to let mortgage lenders. 


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