A property entrepreneur best known for having been a contestant on The Apprentice is seeking up to 200 portfolio landlords or developers to invest in his company.
Jamie Lester says the offer to invest in HAUS Properties – which he founded – is tailor-made for landlords and property developers who must buy or sell at least 10 properties annually.
HAUS is the latest agency to adopt a business model of self-employed brokers; Lester wants it to have access to a ready-made network of industry professionals, hence the targeted investment appeal.
Lester says: “This is a groundbreaking opportunity for investors. I aim to create a revolutionary and innovative approach by bringing the network effect to often siloed, disconnected, and disparate estate agency professionals. HAUS fosters ‘in-haus’ collaboration and cross-pollination, sharing expertise, support, and opportunities for everyone. Joining forces with HAUS Properties means unlocking a world of benefits for investor’s property assets and supporting our mission to succeed together.”
Entry level investment into HAUS Properties is £10,000, which also ensures equity in the business.
Lester estimates a return on investment of 633 per cent by 2028.
A statement from HAUS says its business model will ensure that investors have a dedicated one-to-one relationship with a self-employed agent and first refusal on land and property investment opportunities that HAUS agents source. Investors also get discounted agency fees.
In turn, its brokers will benefit from what it describes as “a community driven company that will fully support everyone within it, with leading technology, training, a strong brand with a robust social media presence, as well as regular networking events.”
The investment round is set to be complete by the end of 2023, with HAUS Properties set to launch to the public in January 2024, initially in London with a view to expanding to other key UK cities in future.
More details from Lester on hausproperties.com.