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Bulk buying - property investors buy full portfolios

New research shows that the buying trends of property investors are changing. In hope of boosting their property portfolios, investors have been purchasing full portfolios as opposed to single properties.

Property lending experts, Octane Capital claim that British investors have been spending an average of 1.2 million for full portfolios.

How do full portfolios work and what are they worth?


Full property portfolios are pieced together over time by a separate investor and then sold altogether. These allow several properties to quickly be offloaded by the seller and give the buyer a chance to rapidly scale up their portfolio.

On average these property portfolios are priced at £1.2 million and come with 6.4 bedrooms. This Is the equivalent of £196,000 per bedroom and offers a yield of 2.9%.

Locations full property portfolios are the most active

When it comes to property portfolios, London properties make up 18% of the national total. The capital also ranked highly in regard to the price per bedroom with portfolios as these include an average of 3.6 bedrooms averaging £556,000 per bedroom.

Octane Capital reveals that portfolio investments in London will have an average yield of just 1.4%.

Investment portfolios cost an average of £1,027,722 in the West Midlands. These portfolios contain an average of 5.1 bedrooms, which works out as £201,000 per room. Portfolios in the South East have an average of 7.7 bedrooms, equivalent to £178,000 per room.

The most affordable investment portfolios 

Some of the most affordable property portfolios can be found in the North East where just over £1 million can be paid for portfolios. These have an average of 9.7 bedrooms which works out at just £104,000 per room. 

Octane Capital claim that the North East is home to the highest yield at 4.5%. The Yorkshire & Humber is home to the second highest average yield at 4.4%. 


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