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Revolutionising public housing – firm agrees deal worth hundreds of millions

An innovative property and tech investment firm has revealed its plans to revolutionise the public housing sector following a private equity investment deal worth hundreds of millions.

Convivia, whose name was influenced by the Latin ‘Convivo’, meaning to ‘live at the same time’, was established in 2017 by its chief executive Roy Ledgister, with a vision to create an inspirational property and tech portfolio ‘that delivers experiential living and brings communities to life’.

Ledgister and the Convivia board say, in recognising the growing demand for affordable homes across the UK, they have shifted 100% of their focus to the public sector with the imminent launch of an exciting new brand.


The new brand, to be launched under the Convivia umbrella, has been developed to create parity between the quality of public and private housing. It will do this by offering residents luxurious accommodation with cutting-edge technology and life-changing facilities, aiming to enhance personal development and physical wellbeing.

With the acquisition of numerous sites being finalised, including an 80-plus unit apartment complex in Maidstone, Kent, together with developments throughout the country, the first Conviva site is set to be available to residents in 2022.

“Although the demand for housing continues to grow, very little has changed in the standard of properties developed for individuals and families UK-wide,” Ledgister said.

“Convivia is committed to driving this change by completely revolutionising public housing - offering communities accessible, luxurious, and quality affordable homes that provide residents with the tech tools and resource needed to transform their lives.”

He added: “However, it doesn’t just stop there – in addition to creating inspiring spaces, we also aim to positively impact the local areas in which all Convivia sites are built, through a number of environmental and social initiatives that will benefit the wider community.”

“With construction underway, both the Board and I are incredibly excited about the future of Convivia and the positive impact our developments will have on peoples’ lives and the public housing sector as a whole – watch this space.”

A successful barrister and proven entrepreneur, Ledgister has extensive experience in the development of a successful public housing property portfolio, having turned a £50 million investment into £185 million worth of assets in only five years.

With a number of sites under acquisition, Convivia’s ambition is to provide luxury affordable homes to thousands of individuals by 2027.

  • icon

    I very nice idea, however, totally unrealistic

  • icon

    No mention of lifts, car parking, gardens, rubbish collection and site access control. All very essential and if not right can create a living disaster.


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