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Heaton House Lofts to restore Birmingham’s 19th century heritage

Property developer Elevate Property Group has submitted plans to bring a derelict site in Birmingham’s Jewellery Quarter back to life in its latest project in the city.

The plans for the residential development, Heaton House Lofts, will bring 14 townhouses, 42 apartments and 3,500 sq ft of commercial space to try and recreate a part of Birmingham’s history.

To revive the site’s historical roots, Heaton House Lofts will also include the restoration of a large 3,362 sq ft four-bedroomed Georgian villa, with paved garden terrace and its own private garage.


The original Heaton House was a 19th century villa in Camden Street, which at the time was part of the middle-class suburban developments that grew up on the fringes of the city centre in Birmingham.

The development was subsequently swallowed up in the expansion of Birmingham’s Jewellery Quarter and by the end of the century, Heaton House had been converted to form part of a large industrial works.

In a paper providing an architectural and archaeological assessment, written by historic buildings consultant Richard Morriss, it states: “The complex of buildings centred on Heaton House is a good example of the industrialisation of the middle-class suburban fringes of Birmingham in the later 19th century – a process particularly common in the area to the north of the town centre in what is now called the Jewellery Quarter.”

“The original house would have been a rather fine example of a gentleman’s suburban residence of the early 19th century, set within its own miniature landscaped park.”

Heaton House was the home of a leading Birmingham merchant, William Cotterill, and was said to be the second oldest residential property in Birmingham. The building and its outbuildings were eventually altered to fit their new roles in industry and in recent years have become disused.

Now, Elevate Property Group, which has a reputation for the sympathetic regeneration of historic buildings, has pledged to bring the site back into residential use.

Following discussions between Elevate’s professional advisers and Birmingham city planners, the proposals for Heaton House Lofts will be submitted for planning approval this spring.

The company is currently applying for B1 and D2 usage for the 3,500 sq ft of commercial space on Powell Street, meaning the property can be utilised for offices or a possible leisure/gym complex.

“Heaton House Lofts will quickly come to be recognised as one of the premier new addresses in Birmingham,” says David Hofton, sales and marketing director at Elevate Property Group.

“Camden Street is located just a mile from the city centre, giving quick access to the central business district and Birmingham’s vibrant retail, leisure and restaurant offer.”

Founded in 2011, Elevate Property Group has been responsible for some of Birmingham’s most interesting, and sometimes controversial, residential projects. Current high-profile developments throughout the country include Victoria Point (Ashford), Alban House (Hereford), Trent Bridge Quays (Nottingham), Liversage Street (Derby), Princes Gate (Solihull), Assay Lofts (Birmingham), Sheldon Court (Birmingham) and Cliveland Street (Birmingham).

The company currently has in excess of a million square feet of development either under construction or in the planning and legal process. It has recently secured new lines of funding and is actively seeking new development opportunities throughout the UK.

For more information on Elevate’s new development at Heaton House Lofts, contact sales@elevatepropertygroup.co.uk or call David Hofton on 0121 272 5729.


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