A new group of professional landlords plan to introduce pet-friendly rentals in line with the government’s plans to overhaul the model tenancy agreement to make it easier for tenants to keep pets in their rental properties.
Following the government’s call on landlords to allow tenants to keep pets in their homes, a host of new developments across the country are leading the way with pet-friendly renting.
Despite more than 40% of households owning a pet, government figures found that only 7% of landlords offer homes suitable for pets.
However, Build to Rent (BTR) properties – new developments that have been designed and built specifically for renting – come with a variety of perks, from longer tenancies to a dedicated on-site manager and purpose-built amenity spaces such as gyms and roof terraces.
The sector is growing fast, with nearly 150,000 build-to-rent units either completed or planned across the UK, according to industry trade body the British Property Federation.
Below, we take a closer look at three BTR schemes across the UK that have recently launched and allow renters to keep pets in their homes.
Allegro by Savills/LaSalle at Exchange Square, Birmingham
One of the many pet-friendly rental housing schemes is Allegro in Birmingham, which comprises 603 high-quality apartments, making it the largest BTR development in the city by number of homes.
The landmark 25-storey tower at the centre of the Allegro scheme completed just before Christmas, bringing 296 pet-friendly rental abodes to the Birmingham market – including penthouses.
Rents start at £690 pcm for a studio, with no service charge and all extras included in the monthly rental payment.
Allegro residents will also benefit from access to a state-of-the-art wellness centre, a 20,000 sq ft landscaped roof garden and use of the bespoke Allegro App that allows residents to book services that include dog walking sessions, apartment cleaning and dry cleaning.
Allegro was developed by Nikal for LaSalle Investment Management, and the homes are managed by Savills.
Angel Gardens by Moda Living at NOMA, Manchester
Moda Living, which designs, builds and manages homes for rent, is promising to be one of the UK’s largest pet-friendly landlords, with over 6,500 apartments planned in cities across England and Scotland.
It launched its first development, Angel Gardens in Manchester city centre, last year – which saw the first release of homes snapped up in the first few weeks – and pets are actively welcomed as part of the company’s focus on health and wellbeing.
Through the bespoke MyModa app, Moda residents will also be able to set up dog walking clubs and access specialist pet services such as dog walking and grooming, as well as report faults, let their friend in through a virtual door key and organise events with their neighbours.
Renters will also enjoy private access to a 24-hour residents-only gym on the seventh floor, plus a rooftop sports court boasting stunning views of the Manchester skyline. This is on top of a rooftop BBQ terrace, library, communal lounge, private dining area, bookable meeting rooms, workspace and cinema room.
Rents start at £1,050 pcm for a studio, with no service charge, no deposit and all extras included in the monthly rental payment.
Clippers Quay by Grainger plc in Salford, Greater Manchester
Grainger plc, the UK’s largest listed residential landlord, is also offering pet-friendly apartments for rent.
Clippers Quay by Grainger is the largest open BTR development outside London, offering 614 high-quality homes for rent, and recently celebrated its first birthday. It has since generated significant rental returns through lettings agency Ascend.
Residents have spacious apartments ranging from one-beds to three-beds in size, plus a mix of on-site amenities, including a residents’ lounge and co-working space, private dining room, cinema and 24-hour gym.
To give renters peace of mind, Grainger plc also runs a ‘stay as long as you want’ policy, with optimal long-term tenancies.
Clippers Quay sits close to both Manchester United’s Old Trafford and MediaCityUK with views of the Manchester shipping canal. Rents start at £900 pcm for a one-bed, with no service charge and all extras included in the monthly rental payment.
Recently, we asked if Build to Rent developments will be entirely tech-led in the future and what the differences between UK Build to Rent and US Multifamily are.