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Revealed: the regal road names where property sells for 50% above average

The second weekend of June will see the traditional celebration of the Queen’s official birthday, despite her actual birthday being in April.

To mark this occasion, property finance specialists, One77 Mortgages, looked at the current cost of securing a house with a royal road name and how this differs to the UK average.

One77 looked at 13 regal road names across the nation and what price the property has sold for on these roads over the last year.


The research found that, on average, property on these roads will set you back some £340,191 – 50% more than the current UK average of £226,798.

Surprisingly, roads with Duke in the name are the most prestigious in all of the land, commanding an average sold price of £549,078.

This is followed rather appropriately by road names with Duchess in them, with an average sold price of £504,865 – the only two to exceed the half a million mark.

Queen ranks third with properties selling for £426,196, while Earl (£422,261) and King (£355,291) complete the top five.

Roads with Prince, Baron, Princess, Countess, Marquess and Viscount in the name also command a higher-than-average sold price, with just Marchioness and Baroness falling below this threshold.

“A name can have a big impact on house prices and clearly roads with royal names are benefitting from the more regal perception amongst those looking to buy,” Alastair McKee, managing director of One77 Mortgages, commented.

“Even in current market conditions, these royal roads are seeing properties sell for way above the national average which is certainly something to celebrate in addition to the Queen’s birthday.”


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