The London Landlord Seminar, hosted by Portico in association with the National Landlords Association (NLA), is back on November 20 2019, with the key theme being ‘Your Money’.
As landlords continue to face bigger tax liabilities and increased regulatory costs, this year’s seminar looks at how to make landlords’ money work harder.
London estate agents Portico and NLA London representative Richard Blanco will also provide an update on the rental and sales market in the capital. In addition, there will be a detailed panel discussion and nibbles afterwards where property experts can network.
Portico and NLA hopes that by the end of the evening, landlords will have a clear picture on the London market and some guidance on how to plan ahead into 2020.
The London Landlord Seminar speech topics will include:
London hotspots and the housing market review | Portico: In an annual review of the state of the capital’s property market, Portico will map out London’s higher and lower yielding boroughs.
Getting the best mortgage | Jane Simpson, director, NLA Mortgages: With stress tests making refinancing increasingly complex, Simpson will discuss the different ways to obtain the right mortgage.
Flourish in the new tax regime | Mark Stemp, partner, Crow UK: In this segment, Stemp will outline if there is any way to mitigate the impact of the Section 24 finance changes.
Policy & regulatory briefing | Meera Chindooroy, NLA head of policy: Here, Cindooroy will provide the most up-to-date policy nuggets in a presentation from the NLA’s policy expert.
Panel discussion – after Section 21: Chindooroy will be joined by Robert Nichols, director of Portico, and Qasim Bandali, senior practitioner of Thames Reach, to discuss what the future could look like without Section 21.