An Artificial Intelligence-powered property investment website is claiming to offer investors and landlords an alternative to property portals Rightmove and Zoopla.
One & Only Pro aims to help investors find the ‘deal of a lifetime’, which it says sets it apart from listings websites designed for conventional buyers.
The website was launched last year after two years of digital development and already hosts over 100,000 opportunities, almost 7,000 of which are Below Market Value.
It says around 13,000 of its listings yield higher than 7%.
“Sites like Rightmove and Zoopla are fantastic at helping home movers to find their next property, but they’re not as useful for investors aiming to unearth a gem,” explains Henri Sant-Cassia, CEO of One & Only Pro.
“This is predominantly down to a lack of investment information – data which we provide for our users. Unlike traditional portals which can be used to search databases and filter listings, our technology uses an algorithm to score each property opportunity from 1 to 10 depending on its growth and profitability potential,” he says.
“As the rental sector has boomed and the need for landlords to provide homes continues to rise, investors have been crying out for a platform like One & Only Pro which allows them to make informed decisions quickly, with all the information they need at their fingertips.”
The site, which is free to browse but charges users who want to access the best data and information a small monthly subscription fee, has also enhanced its listings to help amateur investors make informed decisions and operate like ‘professionals’.
Its listings now include an investment analysis, yield calculator and mortgage calculator.
“We don’t believe in barriers to property investment and that’s why our website provides users with as much relevant information as possible,” adds Sant-Cassia.
“All investors need to know how much they’re going to spend and how much they can expect to make.”
“We therefore want to provide all this information in one place so they can spend more time weighing up the pros and cons of a particular opportunity, rather than getting bogged down in working out the financials themselves.”
In order to prove the credibility of its complex algorithm and technology, One & Only Pro recently published a white paper.
The document backtests One & Only Pro’s algorithm by selecting properties which were identified as particularly high or low-scoring.
Using research of Land Registry data detailing price rises and average asking prices, it then demonstrates why the algorithm gave the listing a certain score out of ten.
The white paper contains four case studies, situated in Leeds, Manchester, London and Birmingham.
“We’re extremely confident in our technology, so we want to show investors that our algorithm is successful in identifying the most profitable property opportunities,” concludes Sant-Cassia.