Planning permission has been awarded for the £60m redevelopment of a tired shopping centre in Oxford, which will not just see improved retail facilities, but also the delivery of a new Travelodge hotel, restaurants and 226 flats at Templars Square in Cowley, 23% of which would be affordable.
The existing multi-story car park and bridge would be bulldozed to make way for the mixed-use project, but the existing shops would remain unchanged.
One block, which would be 15 storeys high, is the tallest “the city has considered in a long time”, according to a council officer’s report.
The report also stated that the investment in the mixed-use scheme would lead to further regeneration in the area.
James Whitfield, director of commercial development at NewRiver, told the press that the firm had worked with the local community while developing the proposals.
He added that the company was committed to working with local people to “mitigate any disruption caused” during construction.