American investor Howard Marks once said about investing in uncertain times, “move forward, but with caution”. The past 18 months or so would definitely be regarded as a period of uncertainties and surprises.
From Brexit and Trump to the surprise outcome of the recent UK general election, there is a high level of turmoil in markets across the globe, and yet UK property remains a safe haven for investors, according to a senior property auctioneer.
James Emson, managing director of Clive Emson Auctioneers, said: “There may be a lot of uncertainty in the world at present, but one certainty remains – there is security in bricks and mortar.
“Despite a political situation that seems to change every day, and one which offers little indication of how things will play out for the property industry as a whole, we go about our business as usual.”
Clive Emson Auctioneers sold land and property worth more than £20m at its latest auction last week.
The firm catalogued 143 lots and achieved a sale rate of 82%, as investors continued to snap up bricks and mortar.
“Indeed, our packed June salerooms have demonstrated the continuing trend set so far in 2017 – that both buyers and sellers realise they get exceptional value and service from Clive Emson land and property auctions,” Emson added.