Plans for a major regeneration scheme in Dovercourt town centre have been given the go-ahead.
The £1m project, which will be financed by the local New Homes Bonus windfall from the government, as part of a wider initiative to incentivise housing growth across the country, will feature a new town square and transport hub.
The proposals for the scheme were given the green light last week as part of Tendring Council’s budget for 2017/8.
Local reports suggest that one of the potential regeneration areas could be the former Starlings site, in Main Road, which was demolished after being left derelict after a fire in 2012.
Council leader Neil Stock said: “Dovercourt is long overdue for investment and this £1 million we are going to be spending will hopefully see others invest and attract even more private sector money into the area.
“We do have a specific project in mind, which is commercially sensitive at the moment, that will have a massive impact in the area. I’m confident that everyone in Harwich and Dovercourt will welcome the plans.”
Harwich town and district councillor Ivan Henderson welcomed the investment as a major boost for Dovercourt.
He commented: “The public does have a negative view of the town centre and we want to turn it into a positive one.
“I really welcome the growth projects that were in the budget, including the £1m investment for Harwich.
“Harwich has to fight hard for every penny we get and I’m really pleased that we are now seeing some real investment coming through.
“I have pushed for a number of years for enhancements to be made to the town centre to give our local residents something they can be proud of – and something residents can make more use of that will in turn will be a big boost to local retailers.
“If the enhancements that are being talked about come to fruition, I’m sure our town centre will have a bright future.”
Tendring Council’s chief executive Ian Davidson and regeneration boss Giles Watling hope to present their plans to Harwich Town Council next month.