Up to 10,000 new homes will be built as part of a £3.5bn residential property development, Enfield Council has confirmed.
The council hopes that the new homes, which will be built in the Lee Valley, in north east London, will create 16,000 jobs.
Barratt London was formally selected as the council’s main developer for the Meridian Water site last month, with Segro as a partner for the logistical design elements.
The development has already been given Housing Zone status by the government, which is designed to deliver housing more quickly by removing some planning restrictions, and providing funding.
Alan Sitkin, Enfield Council’s cabinet member for economic regeneration and business, commented: “Meridian Water will give an enormous boost to the construction industry both in London and the United Kingdom, creating thousands of specialist jobs as we create a legacy of opportunity, investment and employment in London.
“Meridian Water will supply Enfield and further afield with the jobs, training and opportunities to lift some of our most deprived communities out of poverty by providing good quality employment opportunities in the very heart of their communities.”