Reinventing Renting, which identifies opportunities for landlords to enhance their lettings businesses, has been launched by the National Landlords Association (NLA).
The campaign, which includes resources, guides and presentations, is designed “to help landlords transform their businesses into more successful profitable enterprises”.
The resources, guides and presentations include information on how to choose the right investment, improve financial planning, expand portfolios and maximise gains, and reduce exposure to a range of risks associated with letting property, such as impending interest rate rises, rent arrears and rogue tenants.
Reinventing Renting aims to support landlords who are struggling to turn a profit by exploring different business approaches and tenant markets. It also focuses on providing assistance for landlords who are looking to make their business more profitable.
In addition, the campaign’s “Vogue or Rogue” section seeks to define the good and bad characteristics of being a landlord.
All this comes at a time of increasing concern among landlords and landlord bodies that the Summer Budget and Autumn Statement announcements could badly hinder profitability within the sector.
“As the leading landlord association we’re here to provide landlords with all the tools and information needed to make a success of letting,” Carolyn Uphill, Chairman of the NLA, said.
“Over the next few months, Reinventing Renting will look at some of the key issues for landlords and provide support and tips to improve the way they run their business. The campaign has something for both new and experienced landlords and will be particularly useful for those who are struggling to make things work or worried about how the changes to mortgage interest taxation will affect them in the future.”
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