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Property investment set to increase on Isle of Wight

Changes in pension laws mean property investments are set to grow on the Isle of Wight, with Barratt Homes already witnessing a rise in interest.

A recent study carried out by the housebuilder found that 43% of people would consider property if they were looking to invest £25,000. The poll also showed that more than half believe property is a much safer bet – investment-wise – than shares.

70% of people said they are looking for a regular return from their investment, which suggests that buy-to-let property would be the ideal choice. 

“Although property investors are in a minority the fact that almost 43% would consider bricks and mortar is positive news,” Michelle Storer, Barratt Homes sales director, said.

“A good rental property makes a compelling investment that can not only offer a monthly rental income but provide the investor with a capital growth and realise a potential return if and when they choose to sell.”

She added: “People also believe that bricks and mortar are a safer investment than shares so our role now is to ensure that people can easily be guided through the property investment process.”

Despite property often providing better long-term returns and the number of property investments rising, the research also showed that savings accounts remain the most popular haven for investors on the Isle of Wight. 


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