A new study conducted by Endsleigh, the landlord and tenant insurance provider, has highlighted the top frustrations of tenants and landlords.
The survey of 2,645 UK tenants and landlords found the number one pet peeve for tenants is landlords not fixing things quickly enough (44%), closely followed by them being hard to contact or unresponsive (40%). Cheap or quick-fix repairs were another major frustration (40%).
Flipped on its head, the top complaint landlords have about tenants is damage to the property and furnishings (29%). Tenants keeping quiet about problems or damage came second in the list of landlords’ biggest pet hates (24%), while ‘not completing the check out to a high standard’ received 22% of the vote.
The research also found that for tenants who have left a property because of a row with their landlord, over half of the time this was down to the property being in a poor state. Lack of repairs or damp were other popular reasons for tenants opting to move out.
Although rental properties being in good condition was seen as a given by most tenants, they do still appreciate acts of kindness from their landlords. In particular, assistance with DIY jobs went down very well (40%).
“Property maintenance is key to ensuring a good working relationship between both tenants and landlords,” Marcus Latchford, Endsleigh’s lettings and landlords’ manager, commented.
“Tenants want to live in a safe and comfortable home, while landlords want to rent to conscientious tenants who’ll look after the property and provide a reliable stream of income.”
He added: “Landlords should prioritise property maintenance if they want tenancies to last longer and save money sourcing new tenants; and tenants shouldn’t worry about contacting their landlord when the property requires a repair.”
2,645 respondents (1,428 UK tenants and 1,217 UK landlords) were surveyed as part of Endsleigh’s 2015 ‘Better Relations’ campaign, which aims to encourage stress-free lettings for both tenants and landlords.