Whether or not you can access a government scheme to help your business with the costs associated with a commercial heat pump installation for your premises, they are often worth it. This is especially the case if you are constructing a new commercial building because they can be built into the design well before the construction phase. That being said, commercial heat pumps are also being increasingly fitted in already well-established business premises.
In fact, they can often work out very effectively in most commercial settings from leisure facilities to retail environments, production facilities and office buildings. If you are considering a commercial heat pump for your place of work, then what are the business benefits that you can expect to derive? Read on to find out.
Reduce Carbon Consumption
To begin with, the main driver for commercial heat pump installations these days is that they provide a sustainable way to keep business premises warm. In other words, they won’t just reduce your reliance on carbon-intensive forms of heating, such as gas boilers and electrically powered storage heaters, in the short term but over a much longer lifespan. The world needs to take the appropriate measures if it is to meet its carbon reduction targets and commercial heat pumps are going to play a significant part in that future.
Lower Utility Bills
As well as offering a more sustainable way to heat business premises that future-proofs them from potentially rising energy costs ten or twenty years from now, commercial heat pumps lower energy consumption from day one. Given that energy prices are at an all-time high, the commercial reasons for replacing a legacy heating system with a heat pump have never been stronger. Many businesses now report that their energy consumption is one of their biggest overheads. Why put off taking affirmative action to lower such operational costs any longer?
Keep Workplaces Warm
According to TJ Refrigeration, a specialist in commercial refrigeration and air conditioning companies, some business owners are put off the idea of commercial heat pumps because they have the mistaken idea that they are not as warming as conventional heating systems. This is a mistake because the fact is that they can be just as effective and even more so given the right installation method. Even better, commercial heat pumps often need only very minimal maintenance to keep them functioning effectively. This is in stark contrast to many commercial central heating installations, of course.
Build a Green Brand
For some enterprises, their brand identity is built – at least, in part – on being a green business that consumers can trust. For many brands, being environmentally responsible is something that is woven into their DNA. However, when such firms heat their business premises with conventional systems that use lots of energy, they are often called out for it by competitors or even employees sometimes. This is why taking a truly green measure, like installing a commercial heat pump to heat an office or production centre, can be so beneficial in terms of brand identity.
Enjoy Improved Safety
To be clear, not all old-fashioned heating systems are unsafe and nor should they be. However, they often require frequent safety inspections from qualified engineers if they are to be given the all-clear in terms of safety. Unchecked gas boilers, for example, can cause fires or even leak deadly carbon monoxide gas in the worst cases. However, these are not issues with commercial heat pump installations which are among the safest ways to heat any sort of property available today. Equally, they release heat in a very controlled way. As such, there are no scolding hot pipes or radiators to worry about workers or visitors coming into contact with.
Benefit From a Lengthy Warranty
It is important to note that commercial heat pump installations will usually come with a good warranty. Although the length of time that a warranty will last for varies from installer to installer, the equipment that is used will often come with at least a five-year guarantee and often longer. The installation itself should also be guaranteed by the fitter. As such, there is very little to worry about from a commercial heat pump installation at your business premises from the point of view of commercial risk.
Given that there are so many benefits associated with this tried and tested technology, why not begin taking advantage of an installation that you know you’ll be able to rely on for many years to come?